Rocketoons Episode 2- Moving to a New School can help you start a Cartoonversation with your kids (or students) about the challenges and stress they face when their family moves into a different school district. This cartoon can help you guide your kids toward positive thinking and the new opportunities ahead. Teachers appreciate using this animated conversation kit to encourage empathy and understanding when introducing a new student to the class. Winner of two national awards, this thoughtful cartoon is designed to encourage thinking and discussions about being the new kid in class, moving to a new school, and how to welcome new friends. Watch Rocketoons Episode 2: Moving to a New School and use the Rocketoons Cartoonversation™ Card to help your students discover the challenge and adventure of trying something new.
To Get Started on Rocketoons - download our step-by-step guide.
Episode Awards
4/4/2019 1 Comment Getting Started with Rocketoons
Every child is unique and different, but the table below is an excellent guideline to reference:
Here are a few tips we found from - a site from the American Academy of Pediatrics - to help establish good sleeping habits: We all want what’s best for our kids, but when does too much of a good thing become a bad thing? In our efforts to keep young people engaged, we sometimes let the schedule get overcrowded - and that can lead to stress. We may not always see it coming, but it’s pretty obvious once it arrives. Winner of two national awards, this engaging cartoon is designed to encourage thinking and discussions about being over-scheduled, getting enough sleep, and making time for play. Watch Rocketoons Episode 1: Too Many Activities to help your kids discover when too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.
Rocketoons are FREE for everybody. Your login in your county and state. We don't take any personal information and you don't have to remember a password! Download our guide to get started with Rocketoons today.
| Rocketoons are cartoon-based conversation kits designed to give teachers maximum instructional flexibility with minimal interference from time-consuming preparation. Rocketoons are pedagogically sound primers for facilitating important discussions in the 21st-century classroom. Rocketoons are developed by teachers and counselors, and they are used by teachers and counselors – in the classroom, in one on one sessions, or wherever there is a need to share sound information and stimulate meaningful conversation. If you have four or five minutes, you can use Rocketoons with your kids. |
If you want/need to develop an in-depth module on bullying, divorce, social media, or a variety of other timely topics that cause stress and disruption in the lives of your students, you can use Rocketoons.
If you want to make a point, share a laugh, or both, you can use Rocketoons.
From one kid to the next, from one teacher to the next, different Rocketoons mean different things. In the hands of caring and qualified teachers, that’s the way it should be. Nobody knows your kids like you do. Hopefully, Rocketoons can be exactly what you need them to be so you can be exactly what your students need you to be.
If you want to make a point, share a laugh, or both, you can use Rocketoons.
From one kid to the next, from one teacher to the next, different Rocketoons mean different things. In the hands of caring and qualified teachers, that’s the way it should be. Nobody knows your kids like you do. Hopefully, Rocketoons can be exactly what you need them to be so you can be exactly what your students need you to be.
Wheeler Creative Studios
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
All Assertiveness Bullying Childhood Classroom Management Confidence Cyberbullying Discipline Grieving Happy Healthy Kids How To Use Rocketoons Mindfulness Moving To A New School Parents Rocketoons School Social Emotional Learning Social Media Stress Too Many Activities Truancy