People grieve differently, and children grieve differently than adults. It's immeasurably valuable to help children express themselves when they lose someone they love. It’s also important to help children understand that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. This gentle and thoughtful cartoon is designed to encourage thinking and discussions about the different ways people deal with grief and loss. Rocketoons Episode 12: It Is Written In The Stars - Dealing with the Death of a Loved One can help you guide your kids in discussions about grieving, missing the ones you love, and the different ways people express their sadness.
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4/4/2019 1 Comment Getting Started with Rocketoons
Every child is unique and different, but the table below is an excellent guideline to reference:
Here are a few tips we found from - a site from the American Academy of Pediatrics - to help establish good sleeping habits: Wheeler Creative Studios has underwritten and designed a fifteen-episode series of cartoons designed to help children identify and talk about stressful situations or issues in their lives. When kids can speak up about what stresses them out, teachers, psychologists, parents, and caregivers can readily identify the kids in need of intervention. The mission of Rocketoons is to rescue childhood and make sure every kid is safe, secure, and silly. This month on the blog, we’ll be outlining each episode to help you understand what these cartoons are all about. Starting with this short video that explains our vision, our mission, and also - what the kids think about Rocketoons!
If you want/need to develop an in-depth module on bullying, divorce, social media, or a variety of other timely topics that cause stress and disruption in the lives of your students, you can use Rocketoons.
If you want to make a point, share a laugh, or both, you can use Rocketoons. From one kid to the next, from one teacher to the next, different Rocketoons mean different things. In the hands of caring and qualified teachers, that’s the way it should be. Nobody knows your kids like you do. Hopefully, Rocketoons can be exactly what you need them to be so you can be exactly what your students need you to be. |
Wheeler Creative StudiosArchives
July 2019
CategoriesAll Assertiveness Bullying Childhood Classroom Management Confidence Cyberbullying Discipline Grieving Happy Healthy Kids How To Use Rocketoons Mindfulness Moving To A New School Parents Rocketoons School Social Emotional Learning Social Media Stress Too Many Activities Truancy |